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Customer Journey, marketing, sales, Top Tips

Did you know that it is 7x less expensive to retain an existing customer than it is to gain a new one? In our last blog, we discussed how a new Customer is led to purchase and how the sales funnel works. Let’s be honest, we all know and love the buzz of gaining a […]

Loyal clients

How To Retain And Create Loyal Customers

Jul 30, 2021

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Customer Journey

Delight your customers to the point where they can’t help but recommend you to anyone who crosses their path, not only creating a happy and loyal customer but also referrals and brand advocates. Win-Win!

Understanding the Customer Journey

Jul 19, 2021

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marketing, sales

How a Sales and Marketing Partner can help your business. Having an external marketing and sales partner like me could be a game-changer!

I can help your business!

May 20, 2021